Applications are invited for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh in the scale of pay of Rs. 2,10,000/- (fixed) per month and other Allowances as applicable.
The detailed advertisement along with other necessary information and application format is available on the website: The last date for receiving applications is 24th March, 2023. REGISTRAR |
Last date for submitting the application is: 24th March, 2023
The Panjab University is an institution of excellence in higher learning and research, established by the Government of India vide The Panjab University Act, VII of 1947 (as amended from time to time).
The Vice Chancellor, being the Principal Executive, Academic and Administrative Head of the University, has to exercise general control over its affairs in accordance with the statutes, rules and regulations. Hence, he is expected to be:
- A visionary with proven leadership qualities, administrative capabilities as well as teaching and research
- Having outstanding academic record throughout and a minimum of 10 years’ experience as a Professor in a University system or in an equivalent position in a reputed research and/or academic administrative organisation.
- The Vice Chancellor appointed under the Panjab University Act VII of 1947, shall hold office for a term of three years which may be extended by the Chancellor for such further periods not exceeding three years at a time, as he may deem
Salary & Service Conditions:
- The Chancellor shall determine the amount or remuneration and other conditions of service of the Vice
Provided that such terms and conditions shall not be altered to the disadvantage of the Vice Chancellor during his term of office.
- Currently the post of Vice Chancellor carries a Pay of 2,10,000/- per month (fixed) and other Allowances as applicable.
- A rent free, semi furnished accommodation is provided in the
The Vice Chancellor of the University shall be appointed by the Chancellor, Panjab University & Vice-President of India from a panel of names recommended by the Selection Committee.
- Duly filled and scanned Applications of eligible individuals in the prescribed proforma received on the e-mail given as under through Candidates, shall be considered:
e-mail i.d.:
- Such applications should be sent on or before 24th March, 2023, 05:00 m.
The advertisement and application format is available at website:
The CV/Bio-data may be submitted in the proforma available on the website of the University.